We use our understanding of audiology and technology to create new and innovative solutions. Get in touch with us to explore how Widex can improve your business.

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4 A/D converters in WIDEX UNIQUE deliver up to 113dB SPL linear input without distortion or artefacts – so users can enjoy an incredible 108 dB dynamic range.

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The Wind Noise Attenuation system truly adapts to the conditions to significantly reduce wind noise.

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100% of participants using UNIQUE rated that they were either satisfied (35%) or very satisfied (65%) with the improvement in their hearing.

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CAMISHA has greatly improved the comfort of many of our hearing aids, and allowed for shells that are not only smaller and more discreet, but fit the shape of the ear better. With the use of laser technology, CAMISHA scans an impression of the hearing aid user’s ear canal and turns this data into a 3D computer model. This is then used as a basis for the manufacturing of individual shells and earmoulds that perfectly fit the user’s ear canal.

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Widex Australia

Unit 4/660 Lorimer Street

Port Melbourne, VIC 3207

Phone 1800 999 659